How to Install Art Sgx 2000 Express Firmware Update
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Yous should upgrade or use an culling browser.
Art Sgx 2000 Express
- Thread starter JBPhoto
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- #1

- #3
- #four
If you have XP, yous should be OK, but other than that yous will take to run it in a 32-bit VM. That may cause midi connection issues....
PS: Even so have one sitting in my studio rack at home... the X-15 is in information technology'south box in a closet. At the time information technology was killer... and EXPENSIVE!

- #6

- #vii
A guy in our jam band has a SGX it sounds TERRIBLE. I don't think it's the SGX

- #8

- #nine
The only disappointment was the lack of "Clown Vomit" graphics on the Nitro.
Scott, the official term is non "pinkish splatter" only rather "Clown Vomit"
I still have my X-11. I have a little celeron PC about the size of a half rack space that I plan on turning into a "MIDI" brain (via USB MIDI) running a stripped down WinXP, and controlling it with the Ten-11. That manner I can apply it to exercise things similar open up & shut programs, go forward & backwards in a browser, or tab between fields, launch specific programs, etc., and then assign it daw functions such as play, record, stop, solo, mute, etc. so I can have more hands-costless performance of a DAW. Yous can do and then by getting a MIDI to keystroke converter (Bome'southward I think? I'd have to look it up), and and so some hotekey software for having it launch apps, etc.
Non terribly fond of my old SGX with the exception of the dandy (for the twenty-four hour period) digital delay & pitch options. And I retrieve the LCD is dead likewise, IIRC.

- #10

- #11
I even so have my T-ii. Great effects. Terrible to program.A guy in our jam band has a SGX information technology sounds TERRIBLE. I don't retrieve it'southward the SGX
heh, exbandmate had ane and some really bad tones.
I'm sure it could be made to sound amend, but some people aren't expert at programming FX.

Consummate Beatles Fan
- #12

- #13
- #14
Didn't know you had one of these. I accept had one for a long time, and kept it considering: i) the resale is and has been then low; 2) I got information technology for pretty inexpensive; 3) the analog preamp is useful in complex rig (and has a prissy eq department); and four) I'm notorious lazy near selling things.
What's the story on this chip upgrade?
Bob from the former BT days
- #15

- #16
I have an old brochure from Art that came with the SGE Mach 2 - it said 'software updateable: never becomes obsolete'...this was the early 90s, I am guessing. I don't think they e'er came out with any updates. And yes, it sounded terrible, even for the time.
They told a giant FIB!

- #18
At the time they had an updated chipset you could install, a couple EEPROMS.
I suppose it COULD still be updated if someone wanted to rewrite new code.
Merely all electronics eventually go obsolete!
- #xix

- #xx
Art does not make the chip upgrades anymore (which is the way the upgraded the software and varied the tones or frequencies of the processor). The chips did make a difference. Tubes in the preamp not so much. There was a signal sent through the tubes to supposedly warm of the sound, just no transformers to ability the tubes. And so, the tubes never run hot and will probably last quite some time.
Y'all can find people who can provided the upgraded chips on ebay. It's an EPROM. Make sure if you have simply the SGX or the Limited version. If you buy an EPROM for the SGX (only version) it won't fit. Piece of cake to change yourself. Gently pry the chip with a pocket-sized flat caput screwdrive or if y'all are fortunate to take a friend that repairs computers he might have a tool made to pull the chip. Then gently push the new one in, making sure are the legs are in the socket.
Hi, Vic:Didn't know you had one of these. I accept had one for a long time, and kept it because: ane) the resale is and has been and then low; 2) I got it for pretty cheap; 3) the analog preamp is useful in complex rig (and has a nice eq section); and 4) I'm notorious lazy about selling things.
What's the story on this chip upgrade?
Bob from the old BT days
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